Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Check out this plant

We emailed this one as our plant of the month for December. I thought everyone would enjoy seeing it on the blog...yes I am just now getting to it, busy, busy! this is a new PlantHaven variety, Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow'. We will have a limited growing season here in Texas as I can't see it surviving the heat and humidity of the summer, yet I still could not resist!

The weather has been nippy for us Texans this year.  We hope we get some warmer, sunny days soon so the little plants can start growing for spring!  It is hard to grow when there is not sun, warmth and we don't water for 10 days so no fertilizer either!

Next week I head North to freeze some more.  Holly and I will be at the MANTS show in Baltimore from January 6th-8th.  If you are there, come by and see us, we love company!  Also we will have our new grower calendars there.  this year we made them smaller at 8.5" x 11" so hopefully it will be better on the bag load as our previous year's calendar was a little over sized.

I hope to writeup a 2009 summary.  I get internet at home Monday, yippee!  So this should make things easier as the evenings are the best for me to sit down and sort my thoughts!

Happy New Year to all!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's gonna be CHILLY in Texas!

Whewww, we just got ready in the knick of time.  A cold blast of air is headed our way tomorrow with a low of 26F, unheard of in Southeast Texas!  I know some have experienced much worse but we are not acclimated to such weather, throw us some 100+ degree weather and we are right at home. 

We got the quonset covered this morning, I was worried we might not get these done as the wind and rain have been bad all week but today was nice.  All of the walls are up, houses buttoned up a, the heaters are primmed and the propane tanks are full.

Then as we were still putting plastic on the semi full of peat moss showed up, of course everything has to happen all at once!  So much for the 24 hour warning from the shipping company.  Fortunately we had an employee here that could drive the lifter to unload it all because that is a task!

 I am posted one last pic, well of it looking nice, of the garden.  The herbs are beautiful and things have really turned out nice.  I hope to expand these next year as they are such a pleasure to have around the office!  I will tell the employees this afternoon to harvest away as these will be no more after Friday's blizzard! (Yes they are predicting some snow here, Global Warming???, Oh yes it is Global Cooling now) BURRRRRRR!