Monday, April 27, 2009

Tomato garden update

The garden is progressing nicely, even got some tomatoes forming! Harvested some cilantro this morning for the employees yum! So far it is all organic, no spraying yet! Now I need to harvest some mint for a nice refreshing mojito!

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, April 17, 2009


Rain is a great thing but it always seems to come at the most inconvient times. I am set to ride the MS 150 tomorrow, a bike ride from Houston to Austin. It is 170 miles of fun! Also we have a roof off one house, I hope Nandina Gulf Steam like a little fresh water! They got some hail yesterday and faired well. Ahhh the things we deal with. Tried to put the darn thing back on but it is either raining or the wind is gusting at 20 mph. That's Texas weather for you.

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New app on iPhone

Trying out a new app on my iPhone called blogpress. If this works you will see loads more posts from me, especially from the field. I love this phone!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ok, not really a secret code just the patent number for our first patent in company history! Time to break out the champagne! This is a project that started back in 2004 when three employees found a unique Nandina growing in a crop of Nandina Firepower. At first sight we called it Blush because it just keeps "blushing" as it grows. Today Jerry Pittman from Flowerwood emailed me and said he saw it had been assigned a number. I practically screamed from my office, told Holly to come see. I think she thought something was wrong, haha! It is days like these that keep you coming back.

This plant will be named Blush Pink Nandina and will be released this Fall as part of the Southern Living Collection, Yippee!

Check out the patent here:, search under Nandina.

It will make you cross eyed!!! At least it did when I wrote it!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


My first video, in honor of my favorite TV show LOST. Love that show!! More to come I am sure as I learn this new technology!